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Hungry, hungry, hungry. Honey badger gonna eat you and run!

Continue up the FOOD CHAIN.

To live and grow, animals need to consume food full of nutritious carbon compounds. Animals get their nutrients by eating parts of plants or parts of other animals. Omnivores— like humans and honey badgers—eat both plants and animals. We live on the energy we get from digesting organic matter, burning the sugars that are rich in carbon. We also build our bodies from carbon compounds we consume.

All the carbon in a badger's body first enters the living world through photosynthesis in plants. From plants, carbon moves through many life-forms in a food web. Carbon stored as fructose in an apple may be eaten by a worm, then picked out by a bird, then chased down by a hungry honey badger.

BEGIN AS: Plant Biomass. BECOME: Animal Biomass.

Heterotrophic organisms ingest other organisms as sources of food and energy.

Autotrophic organisms, like plants, manufacture their own food. Autotroph means "self-feeding."

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Food_web, Metabolism, Heterotroph

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Loosen up. Join our brown, dirty and nutrient rich lifestyle. Break it down in the SOIL.

Go through the process of DECOMPOSITION.

Dead trees and their litterfall are food for microbes. After plants die, they decay. Bacteria and fungi act as decomposers, sustaining themselves by breaking down complex carbon compounds into simpler forms. Carbon stored in a leaf falls to the forest floor. As the structures and cells of the leaf get broken down bit by bit the carbon mixes into the soil—fertile soil that is more than 50% carbon!

BEGIN AS: Plant Biomass. BECOME: Soil Organic Matter.

C6H12O6 => 2 C2H5OH + 2 C02

Sugar => Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide

Complex organic molecules are reduced to simpler forms in the process of decomposition.

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Plant_decomposition, Organic_matter


You are Carbon in a Plant

We really are the stuff of life! Carbon in a tree? Nowhere I’d rather be.

Plants are factories that transform carbon dioxide into the raw materials of life on earth. They are called "primary producers" because they are at the beginning of the food web. "Consumers" eat plants and then burn the plant sugar for their own energy. Sugar also acts as the building blocks for more and more complex organic molecules, like cellulose, proteins, or DNA. The carbon essential for life enters the food chain through plants.

A body built of carbon can be burned to release heat energy, perhaps to roast a marshmallow. The carbon fixed when the tree was living would be released into the atmosphere or deposited in the soil by the burning of a log.


Learn much more with Wikipedia: Plant, Primary_production

glucose, DNA, Amino Acid, ATP, a protein, an enzyme, RNA, a starch, ATP, cellulose