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Keep concentrating! Settle in for the long run. Free yourself from all worldly desires. Become one with ROCK.

Go through the process of ROCK FORMATION.

Sediment keeps changing after depositing on the bottom of the ocean. The weight of the water above exerts extreme pressure on the many layers formed from bits of old shells and the remains of ocean plants and animals. Sediment compacts as fluids are pushed out of the little nooks and crannies. The compressed layers slowly become solid sedimentary rock. As fluids are expelled the minerals left behind form a cement that holds the sediment together.

BEGIN AS: Sedimentary Organic Matter. BECOME: Sedimentary Rock.

Lithification is the name for the process by which sediments under pressure slowly become solid rock.

Diagenesis is the term for any process that sediments undergo after deposition.

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Diagenesis#Lithification


You are Carbon in Sediment

Layer lays upon layer, lays upon layer, upon layer, ... This pressing process seems endless, under mountains of water at the cold dark bottom. Is there no escape?

Limestone is the biggest reservoir for oceanic carbon. This sedimentary rock is made by the accumulation of carbonate in sinking shells, coral, and phytoplankton skeletons. Mollusks, like oysters, use carbon dissolved in the ocean to make their calcium carbonate shells. After these animals die their shells break up, sinking to the ocean floor, where the bits build up into formations such as limestone, dolomite and chalk. Limestone can be used by humans to make cement. The process of making cement releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Sediment

calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, organic carbon