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Keep concentrating! Settle in for the long run. Free yourself from all worldly desires. Become one with ROCK. Admit that you are powerless. Locked up for life? Seem like there’s no way out? Might as well harden up and become a bad body-building brick of mountain material. Maybe one day you can break out of this joint and Maybe one day you will be a peaking mountain. Stick it out as ROCK.

Go through the process of ROCK FORMATION.
Changes keep happening even after sediments deposit on the bottom of the ocean changes occur. ... At the bottom of the ocean, tThe weight of the water above puts extreme pressure on the layers of sediment that have formed from old shells and the remains/skeletons of ocean plants and animals. The sediment is compacted under pressure and slowly become solid rock. Fluids are pushed out and the minerals left behind form a cement that holds the sediment together. Carbon is stored in this newly formed rock.

Lithification is the name for the process by which sediments under pressure slowly become solid rock.

Diagenesis is the term for any process that sediments undergo after deposition.

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Diagenesis#Lithification



You are Carbon in Sediment

Here, at the cold dark bottom, under moutains of water, it's easy to be alone with our thoughts. Seems we've been here forever ... but, we remember we’re part of a larger cycle. We’ve reached the bottom: a cold, dark, ominous bottom with mountains of water pinning us to the ocean floor. It’s heavy, feeling the weight of the world: the crumbs of aquatic and terrestrial life slowly press into sand and stone.

The broken down remains of plants and animalsSoil, skeleton, and eroded rock have broken down, washed into the sea, then sunk to the bottom. Layer built upon layer and the weight of the water above slowly compressed this sediment.

Limestone is the biggest reservoir for ocean carbon. It is made by the accumulation of carbonate in sinking shells and phytoplankton skeletons. Carbon dissolved in the ocean is also used to make the shells of mollusks, like oysters, in the form of carbonate. The ocean's mechanisms for depositing carbon in deep sediments is known as the biological pump. [Marine snow.]

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Sediment, Biological_pump

calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, organic carbon

