[option 1] image for

Get organized. Help build the living world. Life begins here./Create life. Make something awesome. Make something of yourself. Do something besides keeping the world warm Put down some roots and be fruitful in a TREE.

Go through the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
Amazingly, green plants produce their own food. They build themselves almost out of thin air. Using carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, light/energy from the sun and water from the soil, they create sugars. [Plants burn the sugar or use it to synthesize more complex organic molecules to build and grow.] These provide the fuel for a plant's life processes and the building-blocks/material/substance of a plant's biomass. In the process, plants release oxygen into the air for us to breathe. We breathe the oxygen in the air that is released as a "waste" product in the processs.

While much of the carbon a plant takes in will move through the food web, 50% of the carbon dioxide take up by plants will return to the atmosphere through respiration as the plant lives and grows.

Plants [are known as "primary producers" because they] create their own food/energy. They convert light energy into chemical energy, food. They create organic carbon compounds by combining carbon dioxide and water using the energy from sunlight to combine water with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon is stored as sugar [organic compounds] which the plants burn for energy or uses as [the] building blocks [of plant biomass] for more complex organic molecules. These compounds are the base of the food chain. They are the original source of fuel/food for all the other living creatures [heterotrophs, consumers].

The energy and material used by all living organisms starts with photosyn ... Carbon becomes part of biomass. Energy and organic carbon begin ... Carbon dioxide enters the food web through the stoma, pores of leaves and stems. The carbon is fixed as organic carbon ... where it's absored where it uses the energy of the sun to form sugars. Energy from the sun is absorbed by green chlorophylls...From there it begins to serve many functions in the tree. Take many forms in the tree. Sugars combine to build more complex molecules...

Plants convert light energy into chemical energy ...or can become part of more complex molecules, like cellulose. Oxygen is released in the process as a waste product. But, did you know that 50% of the carbon stored by plants will return to the atmosphere through respiration as the plant lives and grows?

The waste by-product of this process is the oxygen we breathe from the atmosphere.

6CO2 + 6H2O + photon => C6H12O6 + 6O2

Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light => Sugar + Oxygen

Energy from the sun is converted into chemical bond energy in sugar in the process of photosynthesis.

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Photosynthesis, Primary_production, Autotroph?


[option 2] image for

Explore the wild underwater world. Plumb the depths, ride the tides, or hang out by the beach. Dive into the OCEAN.

Go through the process of DIFFUSION.
At the ocean surface, where the sea meets the sky, a dynamicphysical exchange of gases takes place constantly. Gaseous Carbon dioxide can physically move freely across the boundary between air and water, simply bythrough the random motion of molecules. A physical processes of exchange of carbon dioxide occurs at the ocean surface. Once suspended/mixed in the water it can react with other dissolved molecules ... Gaseous carbon dioxide may dissolve into the ocean surface, especially With the crashing of waves or in extreme ocean storms this flux is especially dynamic. There's a dynamic flux at the boundary of concentrations. If there's more of one thing on one side it's more likely to go to the other. [Sublimation?]Most of the carbon on Earth resides in the oceansThere's 50 times more carbon in the ocean than in the atmosphere or biomass.

Rate of Change in Concentration = Difference in Concentration Between Two Regions

Things tend to move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration in the process of diffusion.

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Diffusion, Diffusion_equation



You are Carbon in the Atmosphere

Freewheeling! Our random wandering has taken us to every corner of the earth. Over the years, it seems we've seen it alltraveled the whole wide world.

Carbon makes up only about 0.039% of the atmosphere, mostly in the form of carbon dioxide. Still, that's enough for this greenhouse gas to keep the planet warm as it twirls through icy intergalactic space. orbits t as the planet moves through freezing cold spacehrough icy cold outer space.Sunlight floods in through the atmospherein from space and is absorbed by the earth. Some of that energy is radiated back outward as heat, infrared radiatio. Carbon dioxide absorbs some of that reflected heat and then re-emits it back to the earth. Seems like a game of pong! The more carbon dioxide in a planet's atmosphere, the more heat is trapped and sent back to the planet. Yes, it seems there can be too much of a good thing.

78% N2, 21% O2, 0.9% Ar, 0.04% CO2

The atmosphere consists of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.9% Argon, 0.04% Carbon Dioxide, and traceminute amounts of other gases.

Learn much more with Wikipedia: Atmosphere_of_Earth, Greenhouse_gas

Carbon Dioxide,Carbon Dioxide,Carbon Dioxide,Carbon Dioxide,Carbon Dioxide,Carbon Dioxide,Carbon Dioxide,Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Black Carbon

