Feed me. Feed me. Slippery fish. Travel up the food chain to become food for a flashing FISH.
Spread through the FOOD WEB.
Fish get their energy by consuming other organisms. Phytoplankton are food for zooplankton—tiny "wandering animals" eat tiny "wandering plants." In turn, they are consumed by bigger animals, which get eaten by bigger fish, and so on. Essential organic carbon travels up the food chain serving both as nutrients providing metabolic energy, and as building blocks for animal bodies, biomass. Fish bodies are built as they grow from materials first made by plants.
BEGIN AS: Plant Biomass. BECOME: Animal Biomass.
Living organisms ingest other organisms as sources of energy in the food chain.
Learn much more with Wikipedia: Eating, Metabolism, Ocean_biomass, Food_web
Your work is done. Chill out. Relax. Bed-down. Settle into SEDIMENT!
Go through the process of DECOMPOSITION.
Dead ocean plants are broken up by microbes for energy. The remains may settle to the ocean floor, if they aren't fully consumed by deep sea animals along the way. If these bits reach the bottom, immense pressures from the column of water above will crush them into sedimentary rock over long periods of time.
BEGIN AS: Plant Biomass. BECOME: Sedimentary Organic Matter.
C6H12O6 => 2 C2H5OH + 2 C02
Sugar => Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide
Complex organic molecules are broken down to simpler forms in the process of decomposition.
Learn much more with Wikipedia: Decomposition, Sedimentation
You are Carbon in a Marine Plant
We may be microscopic, but we pack a powerful punch. Half of the photosynthesis on earth? Anchor of the aquatic food chain? Not a problem. We do it as we drift about.
Thousands of different species of plankton trap enough energy from the sun to build a great blue whale. Algae, kelp, and phytoplankton are the primary producers of the water-ways. They make the food that every other marine animal ultimately consumes.
Too small to be seen by the naked human eye, phytoplankton—meaning, "wandering plants"—live at the sunlit surface of almost all bodies of water. Like plants on land, phytoplankton are self-feeding—"autotrophs," that create their own food. Through photosynthesis, these primary producers are key starting points of the aquatic food chain, synthesizing organic compounds from carbon dioxide suspended in the ocean.
Learn much more with Wikipedia: Phytoplankton, Autotroph