You are Carbon in Plants in Water
You are now carbon in the fructose of a swaying stalk of kelp rolling with the waves. Sea Otters love to play around you, and sea urchins like to chomp at your roots and scarf you down.
Meaning "wandering plant" phytoplankton are primary producers that live on the surface of almost all bodies of water. Through photosynthesis, primary producers are key starting points of the food chain that create organic compounds from carbon dioxide dissolved into the ocean.
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Enter the FOOD CHAIN. Many ocean animals graze on the leaves of aquatic plants like kelp forests, and even deep sea animals consume dead plant matter falling to the ocean floor. Carbon is exchanged from plant matter into tissues of fish, which may in turn be consumed by larger fish.
Being rooted into the ocean floor isn’t as majestic as you thought it would be but haven’t you always wanted to swim with the dolphins? Why not enter the food chain and become a water wonder and catch up with those those dolphins or maybe even some whale sharks.
The process by which a living organism absorbs sources of energy.
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Choose DECOMPOSITION. Dead ocean plants rich in carbon sink to the ocean floor, eventually pile up on each other adding more layers to the ocean floor. Pressure from the material and ocean water above compounds the carbon into new long term forms.
After many months of swaying in the ocean currents you look a little green with motion sickness and are finally sent to Davy Jones' Locker. Your next adventure is to explore the deep dark ocean depths where only the titanic and giant squid can keep you company.
The process by which the complex organic molecules are broken down to simpler forms.
C6H12O6 = 2C2H5OH + 2C02
Sugar = Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide
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