You are Carbon in Terrestrial Plants
And then. The carbon atom wafted from the sky amongst trillions and trillions of others and then it was pinned to a leaf from the fiery color mass above the sky that we call the sun and there it would remain ...waiting for the day which it will combust into flames and sent back to the great abyss of the atmosphere from which it came.
Plants use sunlight to combine carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with water to form carbohydrates which store energy.
Choose BEING EATEN to become a part of an animal.
Animals eat plant matter and help spread seeds throughout the land.
The process by which a living organism absorbs sources of energy.
Choose DECAY to become a part of the soil.
Plant matter that is not consumed is introduced into the biosphere and remains there until it is broken down through weathering which then enters the soil. (apples that fall hit newton.)
The process by which the complex organic molecules are reduced to simpler forms.
C6H12O6 = 2C2H5OH + 2C02
Sugar = Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide